
アミノ酸には、鏡に映した構造を有する異性体(D-アミノ酸とL-アミノ酸:キラルアミノ酸 )が存在しますが、生体におけるそれぞれの機能や代謝は異なります。





キラルアミノ酸分析とは、D, L-アミノ酸分析のことです。キラルアミノ酸は、2013年に九州大学の研究チームが提唱した言葉です。九州大学とKAGAMIは、質量分析をはじめとする従来法では困難であった、生体試料の高感度・高精度なキラルアミノ酸定量分析技術を開発しました。(薬事規制準拠)

  • アミノ酸の分解抑制と高分離を同時に可能とする専用カラム
  • アーティファクト生成のない分子不活性・非破壊系の多次元HPLC
  • 環境からのコンタミネーションを排除する蛍光誘導体化処理
  • ワイドダイナミックレンジ(6桁)を実現するLED蛍光マルチ検出器
  • 多検体高速ルーティン分析を支援する定量アルゴリズム


セツロテックがお客様と作製するゲノム編集マウス、ゲノム編集ラット及びゲノム編集細胞に対し、KAGAMI による高感度・高精度なキラルアミノ酸定量を実施する事で、対象遺伝子による生命イベントに特徴的なアミノ酸挙動を獲得することができます。


生体試料中のタンパク質を構成するアミノ酸20 種、及び allo-Thr 、allo-Ileの光学異性体について、定量分析を行います。

分析対象アミノ酸 (43キラルアミノ酸) Gly, D-His, D-Arg, D-Asn, D-Gln, D-Asp, D-Glu, D-Ser, D-allo-Thr, D-Thr, D-Ala, D-Pro,D-Met, D-Val, D-allo-Ile, D-Ile, D-Leu, D-Lys, D-Phe, D-Trp, D-Tyr, D-Cys, L-His, L-Arg, L-Asn, L-Gln, L-Asp, L-Glu, L-Ser, L-allo-Thr, L-Thr, L-Ala, L-Pro, L-Met, L-Val, L-allo-Ile, L-Ile, L-Leu, L-Lys, L-Phe, L-Trp, L-Tyr, L-Cys
分析対象サンプル 体液(血漿、血清、尿、CSF、唾液など) 50uL
固形組織(腎臓、脳、筋肉、心臓、糞便など) 25~100mg


1 2 3 4
アミノ酸 D L %D D L %D D L %D D L %D
His 5.3 99.4 5.1 4.5 129.6 3.3 8.6 483.6 1.7 8.4 349.4 2.4
Asn 9.6 16.2 37.3 17.9 25.8 41.0 19.0 38.0 33.4 14.3 46.7 23.4
Ser 71.3 31.4 69.5 106.2 46.9 69.4 173.8 90.6 65.7 113.3 75.3 60.1
Gln 2.2 106.4 2.0 3.9 182.3 2.1 5.2 300.2 1.7 3.6 232.7 1.5
Arg 9.6 6.8 58.7 2.5 8.2 23.3 5.3 11.8 31.1 16.3 8.6 65.4
Asp 0.4 1.8 17.7 0.7 3.6 15.3 1.1 4.5 20.2 0.8 3.8 18.2
Gly 187.2 240.8 463.0 379.4
allo-Thr 6.1 nd 19.0 9.8 nd 22.8 11.7 nd 14.6 11.4 nd 12.6
Glu 1.3 4.0 24.0 2.3 7.4 23.6 2.7 11.4 19.0 1.8 7.4 19.4
Thr 1.8 26.2 6.4 1.3 33.3 3.6 1.9 68.2 2.7 1.2 79.5 1.5
Ala 68.5 34.6 66.4 12.3 104.0 10.6 13.3 107.0 11.0 207.9 159.4 56.6
Pro nd 3.3 nd 7.5 nd 4.9 0.3 6.9 4.8
Met 0.2 4.1 5.6 0.5 5.3 9.2 0.6 6.4 8.8 0.9 6.4 12.6
Val 0.8 12.6 5.7 0.7 19.8 3.3 2.0 35.9 5.3 5.0 23.1 17.8
allo-Ile 1.1 nd 26.8 0.3 nd 5.3 1.8 nd 18.1 8.3 nd 65.7
Ile nd 2.9 nd 5.2 nd 8.2 nd 4.4
Leu 0.5 8.4 5.9 0.1 13.9 0.6 1.3 21.2 5.9 11.4 18.9 37.5
Phe 1.1 17.4 5.8 0.3 21.9 1.6 1.7 27.4 6.0 2.0 28.1 6.8
Trp nd 17.1 nd 22.2 nd 44.7 nd 45.3
Lys 9.0 26.2 25.7 5.6 28.0 16.6 6.6 32.1 17.0 9.2 116.6 7.3
CysCys nd 12.6 nd 44.7 nd 46.2 nd 33.3
Tyr nd 26.1 nd 24.5 nd 66.8 nd 45.9


コラボWebセミナー第10弾 KAGAMI×セツロテック セミナー

医薬基盤・健康・栄養研究所 木村友則 先生


  • 2024

    1. Morishita T, Nishizaki N, Taniguchi S, Sakai S, Kimura T, Mita M, Nakagawa M, Endo A, Ohtomo Y, Yasui M, Shimizu T, Sasabe J. Plasma d-asparagine and the D/L-serine ratio reflect chronic kidney diseases in children regardless of physique. Amino Acids. 2024 Jun; 56(1):38.
    2. Oshima M, Toyama T, Toyama T, Nakade Y, Tokumaru T, Sako K, Kajikawa S, Hayashi D, Sanada H, Yuasa T, Koshino A, Horikoshi K, Minami T, Tsuge S, Tamai A, Nakagawa S, Nishioka R, Zoshima T, Ito K, Kitajima S, Mizushima I, Hara A, Sakai N, Shimizu M, Mita M, Iwata Y, Wada T. Effects of d-alanine intake on amino acid metabolism and kidney function in healthy adults: A multicenter, randomized pilot study. Current Developments in Nutrition. 2024 May;8(7): 103787.
    3. Furusho A, Ishii C, Akita T, Oyaide M, Mita M, Naraoka H, Takano Y, Dworkin JP, Oba Y, Koga T, Fukushima K, Aoki D, Hashiguchi M, Mita H, Chikaraishi Y, Ohkouchi N, Ogawa N O, Sakai S, Glavin DP, Elsila JE, Parker ET, Aponte JC, McLain HL, Orthous-Daunay FR, Vuitton V, Thissen R, Wolters C, Schmitt-Kopplin P, Ruf A, Isa J, Hertkorn N, Eiler JM, Yoshimura T, Sugahara H, Graham HV, Furukawa Y, Araoka D, Tanaka S, Yoshikawa T, Kabashima F, Sasaki K, Sato H, Yamazaki T, Onose M, Morita M, Kimura Y, Kano K, Aoki J, Fujishima K, Nomura S, Tachibana S, Nakamura T, Noguchi T, Okazaki R, Yabuta H, Yurimoto H, Sakamoto K, Yada T, Nishimura M, Nakato A, Miyazaki A, Yogata K, Abe M, Usui T, Yoshikawa M, Saiki T, Tanaka S, Terui F, Nakazawa S, Okada T, Watanabe S, Tsuda Y, Hamase K. Enantioselective three-dimensional high-performance liquid chromatographic
      determination of amino acids in the Hayabusa2 returned samples from the asteroid Ryugu. Journal of Chromatography Open. 2024 May;5:100134.
    4. Kimura T, Sakai S, Horio M, Takahara S, Ishigo S, Nakane M, Negishi E, Imoto H, Mita M, Hamase K, Higa-Maekawa Y, Kakuta Y, Mizui M, Isaka Y, Kinetical analysis of D-alanine upon oral intake in humans. medRxiv. Posted 2024 May 21.
      preprint server
    5. Wiriyasermkul P, Moriyama S, Suzuki M, Kongpracha P, Nakamae N, Takeshita S, Tanaka Y, Matsuda A, Miyasaka M, Hamase K, Kimura T, Mita M, Sasabe J, Nagamori S. A multi-hierarchical approach reveals D-serine as a hidden substrate of sodium-coupled monocarboxylate transporters. eLlife. 2024 Apr 23.
    6. Ishii C, Tojo Y, Iwasaki K, Fujii A, Akita T, Nagano M, Mita M, Ide T, Hamase K. Development of a two-dimensional LC–MS/MS system for the determination of proline and 4-hydroxyproline enantiomers in biological and food samples. Analytical Sciences. 2024 Apr;40(5):881-889.
    7. Ishii C, Akita T, Kimura T, Sakai S, Mita M, Ide T, Isaka Y, Hamase K. Evaluation of individual variation of D-amino acids in human plasma by a two-dimensional LC-MS/MS system and application to the early diagnosis of chronic kidney disease. Analytical Chemistry. 2024 Mar;96(12):4876-4883.
    8. Oyaide M, Ishii C, Akita T, Kimura T, Sakai S, Mizui M, Mita M, Ide T, Isaka Y, Hamase K. Development of a three-dimensional HPLC system for the determination of serine, threonine and allo-threonine enantiomers in the plasma of patients with chronic kidney disease. Journal of Chromatography A. 2024 Mar 29;1719: 464739.
    9. Hashimoto H, Takagi T, Asaeda K, Yasuda T, Kajiwara M, Sugaya T, Mizushima K, Inoue K, Uchiyama K, Kamada K, Higashimura Y, Inoue R, Naito Y, Itoh Y. D-alanine inhibits murine intestinal inflammation by suppressing IL-12 and IL-23 production in macrophages. Journal of Crohn’s and Colitis. 2024 Jan 02.
  • 2023

    1. Sakai S, Tanaka Y, Tsukamoto Y, Kimura-Ohba S, Hesaka A, Hamase K, Hsieh CL, Kawakami E, Ono H, Yokote K, Yoshino M, Okuzaki D, Matsumura H, Fukushima A, Mita M, Nakane M, Doi M, Isaka Y, Kimura T. D-Alanine Affects the Circadian Clock to Regulate Glucose Metabolism in Kidney. Kidney360. 2024 Feb;5(2):237-251.
    2. Tsai HM, Hsieh CL, Ishii C, Akita T, Mita M, Ide T, Lee JA, Hamase K. Enantioselective Analysis of Lactate, Hydroxybutyrates and Malate in Human Physiological Fluids Using a Three-Dimensional HPLC System. Chromatography. 2023;44(3):105-113. https://doi.org/10.15583/jpchrom.2023.015
    3. Umeda S, Sujino T, Miyamoto K, Yoshimatsu Y, Harada Y, Nishiyama K, Aoto Y, Adachi K, Hayashi N, Amafuji K, Moritoki N, Shibata S, Sasaki N, Mita M, Tanemoto S, Ono K, Mikami Y, Sasabe J, Takabayashi K, Hosoe N, Suzuki T, Sato T, Atarashi K, Teratani T, Ogata H, Nakamoto N, Shiomi D, Ashida H, Kanai T. D-amino Acids Ameliorate Experimental Colitis and Cholangitis by Inhibiting Growth of Proteobacteria: Potential Therapeutic Role in Inflammatory Bowel Disease. Cellular and Molecular Gastroenterology and Hepatology. 2023;16(6):1011-1031.
    4. Kimura T, Sakai S, Isaka Y. D-Serine as a sensor and effector of the kidney, Clinical and Experimental Nephrology. 2023 Nov;27(11):891-900.
    5. Oshima M, Toyama T, Nakade Y, Yomogida D, Yuasa T, Horikoshi K, Minami T, Ogura H, Nakagawa S, Miyagawa T, Kitajima S, Hara A, Sakai N, Shimizu M, Mita M, Kinoshita M, Nakada M, Kikuchi M, Iwata Y, Wada T. Association Between Risperidone Use and Kidney
      Function Decline in Patients with Schizophrenia: A Retrospective Cohort Study. Clinical Therapeutics. 2023 Sep;45(9):889-893.
    6. 木村友則・塚本悠介, 昆虫における変態とD-セリン, 昆虫と自然, 2023年7月号(Vol.58 No.8)
    7. Nagata Y, Akita T, Ishii C, Oyaide M, Mita M, Ide T, Hamase K. Development of an enantioselective three-dimensional HPLC system for the determination of alanine, valine, isoleucine, allo-isoleucine and leucine in human plasma and urine. Journal of Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Analysis Open. 2023 Dec;2:100013.
    8. Nagata Y, Akita T, Furusho A, Ishii C, Mita M, Hamase K. Design of Novel Mixed-Mode Columns for Analysis of Amino Acids Derivatized with 4-Fluoro-7-nitro-2,1,3-benzoxadiazole and the Evaluation of Retention Properties. Chromatography. 2023 June;44(2):83-87.
    9. Taniguchi A, Kawamura M, Sakai S, Kimura-Ohba S, Tanaka Y, Fukae S, Tanaka R, Nakazawa S, Yamanaka K, Horio M, Takahara S, Nonomura N, Isaka Y, Imamura R, Kimura T. d-Asparagine is an ideal endogenous molecule for measuring the glomerular filtration rate. Kidney Int Rep. 2023 Mar 21;8(6):1192-1200.
    10. Gonda Y, Matsuda A, Adachi K, Ishii C, Suzuki M, Osaki A, Mita M, Nishizaki N, Ohtomo Y, Shimizu T, Yasui M, Hamase K, Sasabe J. Mammals sustain amino acid homochirality against chiral conversion by symbiotic microbes. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2023 Apr 11;120(15):e2300817120.
    11. Kimura-Ohba S, Takabatake Y, Takahashi A, Tanaka Y, Sakai S, Isaka Y, Kimura T. Blood levels of d-amino acids reflect the clinical course of COVID-19. Biochemistry and Biophysics Reports. 2023 July ;34: 101452.
    12. Naraoka H, Takano Y, Dworkin JP, Oba Y, Hamase K, Furusho A, Ogawa NO, Hashiguchi M, Fukushima K, Aoki D, Schmitt-Kopplin P, Aponte JC, Parker ET, Glavin DP, McLain HL, Elsila JE, Graham HV, Eiler JM, Orthous-Daunay FR, Wolters C, Isa J, Vuitton V, Thissen R, Sakai S, Yoshimura T, Koga T, Ohkouchi N, Chikaraishi Y, Sugahara H, Mita H, Furukawa Y, Hertkorn N, Ruf A, Yurimoto H, Nakamura T, Noguchi T, Okazaki R, Yabuta H, Sakamoto K, Tachibana S, Connolly HC Jr, Lauretta DS, Abe M, Yada T, Nishimura M, Yogata K, Nakato A, Yoshitake M, Suzuki A, Miyazaki A, Furuya S, Hatakeda K, Soejima H, Hitomi Y, Kumagai K, Usui T, Hayashi T, Yamamoto D, Fukai R, Kitazato K, Sugita S, Namiki N, Arakawa M, Ikeda H, Ishiguro M, Hirata N, Wada K, Ishihara Y, Noguchi R, Morota T, Sakatani N, Matsumoto K, Senshu H, Honda R, Tatsumi E, Yokota Y, Honda C, Michikami T, Matsuoka M, Miura A, Noda H, Yamada T, Yoshihara K, Kawahara K, Ozaki M, Iijima YI, Yano H, Hayakawa M, Iwata T, Tsukizaki R, Sawada H, Hosoda S, Ogawa K, Okamoto C, Hirata N, Shirai K, Shimaki Y, Yamada M, Okada T, Yamamoto Y, Takeuchi H, Fujii A, Takei Y, Yoshikawa K, Mimasu Y, Ono G, Ogawa N, Kikuchi S, Nakazawa S, Terui F, Tanaka S, Saiki T, Yoshikawa M, Watanabe SI, Tsuda Y. Soluble organic molecules in samples of the carbonaceous asteroid (162173) Ryugu. Science. 2023 Feb 24;379(6634).
    13. Ishii C, Morinaga R, Takahashi M, Mita M, Akita T, Hamase K. Development of a three-dimensional HPLC system for acidic amino acid enantiomers and determination of their amounts in mice lacking D-aspartic acid oxidase activity. Journal of Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Analysis Open. 2023;1:100004 .
    14. Ishii C, Akita T, Mita M, Konno R, Hamase K. Chiral Amino Acid Analysis in the Plasma of B6DAO-/- Mice Lacking D-Amino Acid Oxidase Activity. Chromatography. 2023 Feb 20;44(1):39-43.
  • 2022

    1. Osaki A, Aoyama M, Mita M, Hamase K, Yasui M, Sasabe J. Endogenous D-serine exists in the mammalian brain independent of synthesis by serine racemase. Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications. 2023 Jan 22;641:186-191.
    2. T. Kimura, Answers in Alanine? Blood D-alanine levels could serve as a biomarker for viral illness severity – and supplementation may even have therapeutic potential (2022)
    3. Isaka Y, Yoshiya T, Ono C, Uchiyama A, Hirata H, Hamaguchi S, Kutsuna S, Takabatake Y, Saita R, Yamada T, Takahashi A, Yamato M, Nohara Y, Tsuda S, Anzai I, Kimura T, Takeda Y, Tomono K, Matsuura Y. Establishment and clinical application of SARS-CoV-2 catch column. Clinical and Experimental Nephrology. 2023 Mar;27(3): 279-287.
    4. Kimura-Ohba S, Asaka MN, Utsumi D, Takabatake Y, Takahashi A, Yasutomi Y, Isaka Y, Kimura T. d-Alanine as a biomarker and a therapeutic option for severe influenza virus infection and COVID-19. Biochimica et Biophysica Acta – Molecular Basis of Disease. 2023 Jan 1;1869(1):166584.
    5. Nakade Y, Iwata Y, Sakai N, Mita M, Nakane M, Hamase K, Suda W, Toyama T, Kitajima S, Hara A, Shimizu M, Ogushi C, Furuichi K, Koshino Y, Morita H, Hattori M, Wada T. Increased levels of oral Streptococcus-derived D-alanine in patients with chronic kidney disease and diabetes mellitus. Scientific Reports. 2022 Dec 16;12(1):21773.
    6. Tsai HM, Hsieh CL, Ishii C, Akita T, Mita M, Ide T, Lee JA, Hamase K. Two-Dimensional Chiral HPLC Analysis of Lactate, Hydroxybutyrates and Malate in Human Plasma. Chromatography. 2022 Oct 20;43(3):119-126.
    7. Ishii C, Takizawa N, Akita T, Mita M, Ide T, Konno R, Hamase K. Off-line two-dimensional LC-MS/MS determination of tryptophan enantiomers in mammalian urine and alteration of their amounts in d-amino acid oxidase deficient mice. Journal of Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Analysis. 2022 Sep 20;219:114919.
    8. Oyaide M, Furusho A, Ishii C, Akita T, Mita M, Ide T, Hamase K. Development of an off-line heart cutting two-dimensional HPLC system for enantioselective analysis of serine, threonine and allo-threonine in human physiological fluids. Journal of Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Analysis. 2022 Aug 5;217:114807.
    9. Gonda Y, Ishii C, Mita M, Nishizaki N, Ohtomo Y, Hamase K, Shimizu T, Sasabe J. Astrocytic d-amino acid oxidase degrades d-serine in the hindbrain. FEBS Letters. 2022 Nov;596(22):2889-2897.
    10. Iwata Y, Nakade Y, Kitajima S, Yoneda-Nakagawa S, Oshima M, Sakai N, Ogura H, Sato K, Toyama T, Yamamura Y, Miyagawa T, Yamazaki H, Hara A, Shimizu M, Furuichi K, Mita M, Hamase K, Tanaka T, Nishida M, Muramatsu W, Yamamoto H, Shichino S, Ueha S, Matsushima K, Wada T. Protective effect of d-alanine against acute kidney injury. American Journal of Physiology-Renal Physiology. 2022 Jun 1;322(6):F667-F679.
    11. Oyaide M, Ishii C, Fujii A, Akita T, Mita M, Nagano M, Hamase K. Enantioselective Determination of Hydroxy Amino Acids in Japanese Traditional Amber Rice Vinegars. Chromatography. 2022 Jun 20;43(2)59-65.
    12. Yap SH, Lee CS, Furusho A, Ishii C, Shaharudin S, Zulhaimi NS, Kamarulzaman A, Kamaruzzaman SB, Mita M, Leong KH, Hamase K, Rajasuriar R. Plasma D-amino acids are associated with markers of immune activation and organ dysfunction in people with HIV. AIDS. 2022 Jun 1;36(7):911-921.
    13. Jingushi K, Kawashima A, Saito T, Kanazawa T, Motooka D, Kimura T, Mita M, Yamamoto A, Uemura T, Yamamichi G, Okada K, Tomiyama E, Koh Y, Matsushita M, Kato T, Hatano K, Uemura M, Tsujikawa K, Wada H, Nonomura N. Circulating extracellular vesicles carrying Firmicutes reflective of the local immune status may predict clinical response to pembrolizumab in urothelial carcinoma patients. Cancer Immunology, Immunotherapy. 2022 Dec;71(12):2999-3011.
    14. Kimura T. Molecular Pathology, Keeping the Balance, Examining the role of d-serine in kidney disease and physiological function. the Pathologist. 2022. Introducing…Fundamentals, Shining a spotlight on hot topics in pathology and laboratory medicine.
    15. Suzuki M, Shimizu-Hirota R, Mita M, Hamase K, Sasabe J. Chiral resolution of plasma amino acids reveals enantiomer-selective associations with organ functions. Amino Acids. 2022 Mar;54(3):421-432.
    16. Furusho A, Ikejiri KA, Ishii C, Akita T, Mita M, Nagano M, Ide T, Hamase K. Two-Dimensional High-Performance Liquid Chromatographic Determination of Chiral Amino Acids in Food Samples and Human Physiological Fluids Using Fluorescence Derivatization with 4-(N,N-Dimethylaminosulfonyl)-7-fluoro-2,1,3-benzoxadiazole. Chromatography. 2022 Feb 20;43(1)29-35.
  • 2021

    1. Kawamura M, Hesaka A, Taniguchi A, Nakazawa S, Abe T, Hirata M, Sakate R, Horio M, Takahara S, Nonomura N, Isaka Y, Imamura R, Kimura T. Measurement of glomerular filtration rate using endogenous D-serine clearance in living kidney transplant donors and recipients. EClinicalMedicine. 2021 Dec 5;43:101223.
    2. Iwata Y, Okushima H, Hesaka A, Kawamura M, Imamura R, Takahara S, Horio M, Tanaka Y, Ikeda T, Nakane M, Mita M, Hayashi T, Isaka Y, Kimura T. Identification of Diabetic Nephropathy in Patients Undergoing Kidney Biopsy through Blood and Urinary Profiles of d-Serine. Kidney360. 2021 Sep 9;2(11):1734-1742.
    3. Hesaka A, Tsukamoto Y, Nada S, Kawamura M, Ichimaru N, Sakai S, Nakane M, Mita M, Okuzaki D, Okada M, Isaka Y, Kimura T. D-Serine mediates cellular proliferation for kidney remodeling. Kidney360. 2021 Aug 16;2(10):1611-1624.
    4. Hsieh CL, Ishii C, Akita T, Fujii A, Hashiguchi K, Nagano M, Mita M, Lee JA, Hamase K. Chiral Analysis of Lactate in Various Food Samples Including Japanese Traditional Amber Rice Vinegar and the Developmental Changes During Fermentation Processes. Chromatography. 2021 Oct 20;42(3):151-158.
    5. Okushima H, Iwata Y, Hesaka A, Sugimori E, Ikeda T, Nakane M, Mita M, Hayashi T, Isaka Y, Kimura T. Intra‑body dynamics of D‑serine reflects the origin of kidney diseases. Clinical and Experimental Nephrology. 2021 Aug;25(8):893-901.
    6. Suzuki M, Sujino T, Chiba S, Harada Y, Goto M, Takahashi R, Mita M, Hamase K, Kanai T,
      Ito M, Waldor MK, Yasui M, Sasabe J. Host-microbe cross-talk governs amino acid chirality to regulate survival and differentiation of B cells. Science Advances. 2021 Mar 3;7(10):eabd6480.
    7. Hsieh CL, Akita T, Mita M, Ide T, Lee JA, Hamase K. Development of a selective three-dimensional HPLC system for enantiomer discriminated analysis of lactate and 3-hydroxybutyrate in human plasma and urine. Journal of Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Analysis. 2021 Feb 20;195:113871.
    8. Hsiao SW, Ishii C, Furusho A, Hsieh CL, Shimizu Y, Akita T, Mita M, Okamura T, Konno R, Ide T, Lee CK, Hamase K. Determination of phenylalanine enantiomers in the plasma and urine of mammals and ᴅ-amino acid oxidase deficient rodents using two-dimensional high-performance liquid chromatography. Biochimica et Biophysica Acta – Proteins and Proteomics. 2021 Jan;1869(1):140540.
  • 2020

    1. Furusho A, Obromsuk M, Akita T, Mita M, Nagano M, Rojsitthisak P, Hamase K. High-Performance Liquid Chromatographic Determination of Chiral Amino Acids Using Pre-Column Derivatization with o-Phthalaldehyde and N-tert-Butyloxycarbonyl-D-cysteine and Application to Vinegar Samples. Chromatography. 2020 Oct 20;41(3):147-151.
    2. Katane M, Motoda R, Ariyoshi M, Tateishi S, Nakayama K, Saitoh Y, Miyamoto T, Sekine M, Mita M, Hamase K, Matoba S, Sakai-Kato K, Homma H. A colorimetric assay method for measuring d-glutamate cyclase activity. Analytical Biochemistry. 2020 Sep 15;605:113838.
    3. Wiriyasermkul P, Moriyama S, Tanaka Y, Kongpracha P, Nakamae N, Suzuki M, Kimura T,
      Mita M, Sasabe J, Nagamori S. D-Serine, an emerging biomarker of kidney diseases, is a hidden substrate of sodium-coupled monocarboxylate transporters. bioRxiv. 2020.
    4. Shimizu Y, Ishii C, Yanobu-Takanashi R, Nakano K, Imaike A, Mita M, Hamase K, Okamura T. d-Amino acid oxidase deficiency is caused by a large deletion in the Dao gene in LEA rats. Biochimica et Biophysica Acta – Proteins and Proteomics. 2020 Sep;1868(9):140463.
    5. Furusho A, Akita T, Mita M, Naraoka H, Hamase K. Three-dimensional high-performance liquid chromatographic analysis of chiral amino acids in carbonaceous chondrites. Journal of Chromatography A. 2020 Aug 16;1625:461255.
    6. Kimura T, Hesaka A, Isaka Y. Utility of D-serine monitoring in kidney disease. Biochimica et Biophysica Acta – Proteins and Proteomics. 2020 Sep;1868(9):140449.
    7. Kimura T, Hesaka A, Isaka Y. d‑Amino acids and kidney diseases. Clinical and Experimental Nephrology. 2020 May;24(5):404-410.
    8. 木村友則. CKDの病態解明を目指して:リバースとランスレーショなる研究の挑戦. Pharma Medica. 2020 May;38(5):47-51.
    9. 木村友則. D-アミノ酸と腎臓病. 腎臓内科. 2020 Apr;11(4): 448-455. ISSN: 2435-1903
  • 2019

    1. Suzuki M, Gonda Y, Yamada M, Vandebroek AA, Mita M, Hamase K, Yasui M, Sasabe J.
      Serum D-serine accumulation after proximal renal tubular damage involves neutral amino acid transporter Asc-1. Sci Rep. 2019 Nov 13;9(1):16705. doi: 10.1038/s41598-019-53302-2.
    2. Hesaka A, Yasuda K, Sakai S, Yonishi H, Namba-Hamano T, Takahashi A, Mizui M, Hamase K, Matsui R, Mita M, Horio M, Isaka Y, Kimura T. Dynamics of D‑serine reflected the recovery course of a patient with rapidly progressive glomerulonephritis. CEN Case Rep. 2019 Nov;8(4):297-300. doi: 10.1007/s13730-019-00411-6.
    3. Furusho A, Koga R, Akita T, Mita M, Kimura T, Hamase K. Three-Dimensional High-Performance Liquid Chromatographic Determination of Asn, Ser, Ala, and Pro Enantiomers in the Plasma of Patients with Chronic Kidney Disease. Anal Chem. 2019 Sep 17;91(18):11569-11575. doi: 10.1021/acs.analchem.9b01615.
    4. Ishii C, Akita T, Nagano Masanobu, Mita M, Hamase K. Determination of Chiral Amino Acids in Various Fermented Products Using a Two-Dimensional HPLC-MS/MS System. Chromatography. 2019 Jun 20;40(2):83-87. doi: 10.15583/jpchrom.2019.011.
    5. Hesaka A, Sakai S, Hamase K, Ikeda T, Matsui R, Mita M, Horio M, Isaka Y, Kimura T. D-Serine reflects kidney function and diseases. Sci Rep. 2019 Mar 25;9(1):5104. doi: 10.1038/s41598-019-41608-0.
    6. T. Kimura, Unraveling the D-Amino Acid Mystery, Three years after D-amino acids were first identified as possible markers for chronic kidney disease, have they lived up to their potential?, the Pathologist, (2019)
    7. Hsieh CL, Lin PY, Akita T, Mita M, Ide T, Lee JA, Hamase K. Development of a Three-Dimensional HPLC System for the Simultaneous Determination of Lactate and 3-Hydroxybutyrate Enantiomers in Mammalian Urine. Chromatography. 2019 Feb 20;40(1):25-32. doi: 10.15583/jpchrom.2018.021
  • 2018

    1. Hamase K, Ikeda T, Ishii C, Ishigo S, Masuyama K, Akita T, Furusho A, Takahashi M, Ide T, Mita M, Determination of Trace Amounts of Chiral Amino Acids in Complicated Biological Samples Using Two-Dimensional High-Performance Liquid Chromatography with an
      Innovative “Shape-Fitting” Peak Identification/Quantification Method. Chromatography. 2018 Oct 20;39(3):147-152. doi: 10.15583/jpchrom.2018.019.
    2. Ishii C, Akita T, Mita M, Ide T, Hamase K. Development of an online two-dimensional high-performance liquid chromatographic system in combination with tandem mass spectrometric detection for enantiomeric analysis of free amino acids in human physiological fluid. J Chromatogr A. 2018 Oct 5;1570:91-98. doi: 10.1016/j.chroma.2018.07.076.
    3. Katane M, Ariyoshi M, Tateishi S, Koiwai S, Takaku K, Nagai K, Nakayama K, Saitoh Y, Miyamoto T, Sekine M, Mita M, Hamase K, Matoba S, Homma H. Structural and enzymatic properties of mammalian d-glutamate cyclase. Arch Biochem Biophys. 2018 Sep 15;654:10-18. doi: 10.1016/j.abb.2018.07.005.
    4. Nakade Y, Iwata Y, Furuichi K, Mita M, Hamase K, Konno R, Miyake T, Sakai N, Kitajima S, Toyama T, Shinozaki Y, Sagara A, Miyagawa T, Hara A, Shimizu M, Kamikawa Y, Sato K, Oshima M, Yoneda-Nakagawa S, Yamamura Y, Kaneko S, Miyamoto T, Katane M, Homma H, Morita H, Suda W, Hattori M, Wada T. Gut microbiota-derived D-serine protects against acute kidney injury. JCI Insight. 2018 Oct 18;3(20):e97957. doi: 10.1172/jci.insight.97957.
    5. Sereekittikul N, Koga R, Akita T, Furusho A, Reischl R, Mita M, Fujii A, Hashiguchi K, Nagano M, Lindner W, Hamase K. Multi-Dimensional HPLC Analysis of Serine Containing Chiral Dipeptides in Japanese Traditional Amber Rice Vinegar. Chromatography. 2018 Jun 20;39(2):59-66. doi: 10.15583/jpchrom.2018.002
    6. Furusho A, Koga R, Akita T, Miyoshi Y, Mita M, Hamase K. Development of a Highly-Sensitive Two-Dimensional HPLC System with Narrowbore Reversed-Phase and Microbore Enantioselective Columns and Application to the Chiral Amino Acid Analysis of the Mammalian Brain. Chromatography. 2018 Jun 20;39(2):83-90. doi.org/10.15583/jpchrom.2018.007.
    7. Hsieh CL, Koga R, Furusho A, Akita T, Mita M, Ide T, Lee JA, Hamase K. Enantioselective and simultaneous determination of lactate and 3-hydroxybutyrate in human plasma and urine using a narrow-bore online two-dimensional high-performance liquid chromatography system. J Sep Sci. 2018 Mar;41(6):1298-1306. doi: 10.1002/jssc.201701283.
  • 2017

    1. Tateishi S, Ariyoshi M, Katane M, Hamase K, Miyoshi Y, Nakane M, Hoshino A, Okawa Y, Mita Y, Kaimoto S, Uchihashi M, Fukai K, Ono K, Hato D, Yamanaka R, Honda S, Fushimura Y, Kwai-Kanai E, Ishihara N, Mita M, Homma H, Matoba S. Novel Mitochondrial Protein D-glutamate Cyclase Decreases During the Progression of Heart Failure. Circulation. 2018 Jun 8;136:15630.
    2. Ishii C, Miyamoto T, Ishigo S, Miyoshi Y, Mita M, Homma H, Ueda T, Hamase K. Two-Dimensional HPLC-MS/MS Determination of Multiple D-Amino Acid Residues in the Proteins Stored Under Various pH Conditions. Chromatography. 2017 Jun 20;38(2):65-72. doi: 10.15583/jpchrom.2017.009.
    3. Suzuki M, Imanishi N, Mita M, Hamase K, Aiso S, Sasabe J. Heterogeneity of D-Serine Distribution in the Human Central Nervous System. ASN Neuro. 2017 May-Jun;9(3):1759091417713905. doi: 10.1177/1759091417713905.
    4. MORIKAWA A, FUKUOKA H, UEZONO K, MITA M, KOYANAGI S, OHDO S, ZAITSU K, HAMASE K. Sleep-Awake Profile Related Circadian D-Alanine Rhythm in Human Serum and Urine. Chromatography. 2017 Jun 20;38(2):53-58. doi: 10.15583/jpchrom.2017.003.
    5. Ariyoshi M, Katane M, Hamase K, Miyoshi Y, Nakane M, Hoshino A, Okawa Y, Mita Y, Kaimoto S, Uchihashi M, Fukai K, Ono K, Tateishi S, Hato D, Yamanaka R, Honda S, Fushimura Y, Iwai-Kanai E, Ishihara N, Mita M, Homma H, Matoba S. D-Glutamate is metabolized in the heart mitochondria. Sci Rep. 2017 Mar 7;7:43911. doi: 10.1038/srep43911.
  • 2016

    1. Isokawa M, Kobayashi K, Miyoshi Y, Mita M, Funatsu T, Hamase K, Tsunoda M. Quantification of Biological Thiols in the Plasma of a Homocystinuria Model with Cystathionine β-Synthase Deficiency Utilizing Hydrophilic Interaction Liquid Chromatography and Fluorescence Detection. Chromatography. 2016 Oct 20;37(3):147-151. doi: 10.15583/jpchrom.2016.015
    2. Koga R, Miyoshi Y, Sato Y, Mita M, Konno R, Lindner W, Hamase K. Enantioselective determination of citrulline and ornithine in the urine of d-amino acid oxidase deficient mice using a two-dimensional high-performance liquid chromatographic system. J Chromatogr A. 2016 Oct 7;1467:312-317. doi: 10.1016/j.chroma.2016.07.053.
    3. Kimura T, Hamase K, Miyoshi Y, Yamamoto R, Yasuda K, Mita M, Rakugi H, Hayashi T, Isaka Y. Chiral amino acid metabolomics for novel biomarker screening in the prognosis of chronic kidney disease. Sci Rep. 2016 May 18;6:26137. doi: 10.1038/srep26137.
      Sasabe J, Miyoshi Y, Rakoff-Nahoum S, Zhang T, Mita M, Davis BM, Hamase K, Waldor MK. Interplay between microbial D-amino acids and host D-amino acid oxidase modifies murine mucosal defence and gut microbiota. Nat Microbiol. 2016 Jul 25;1(10):16125. doi: 10.1038/nmicrobiol.2016.125.
    4. Koga R, Miyoshi Y, Sato Y, Mita M, Konno R, Lindner W, Hamase K. Enantioselective Determination of Phenylalanine, Tyrosine and 3,4-Dihydroxyphenylalanine in the Urine of D-Amino Acid Oxidase Deficient Mice Using Two-Dimensional High-Performance Liquid Chromatography. Chromatography. 2016 Feb 20;37(1):15-22. doi: 10.15583/jpchrom.2015.040.
  • 2015

    1. M. Suzuki, J. Sasabe, Y. Miyoshi, K. Kuwasako, Y. Muto, K. Hamase, M. Matsuoka, N. Imanishi and S. Aiso, Glycolytic flux controls D-serine synthesis through glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase in astrocytes, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 112(17), E2217-E2224 (2015). DOI: 10.1073/pnas.1416117112
    2. Han H, Miyoshi Y, Koga R, Mita M, Konno R, Hamase K. Changes in D-aspartic acid and D-glutamic acid levels in the tissues and physiological fluids of mice with various D-aspartate oxidase activities. J Pharm Biomed Anal. 2015 Dec 10;116:47-52. doi: 10.1016/j.jpba.2015.05.013.
    3. Liu SL, Oyama T, Miyoshi Y, Sheu SY, Mita M, Ide T, Lindner W, Hamase K, Lee JA. Establishment of a two-dimensional chiral HPLC system for the simultaneous detection of lactate and 3-hydroxybutyrate enantiomers in human clinical samples. J Pharm Biomed Anal. 2015 Dec 10;116:80-5. doi: 10.1016/j.jpba.2015.05.036.
    4. Oyama T, Negishi E, Onigahara H, Kusano N, Miyoshi Y, Mita M, Nakazono M, Ohtsuki S, Ojida A, Lindner W, Hamase K. Design and synthesis of a novel pre-column derivatization reagent with a 6-methoxy-4-quinolone moiety for fluorescence and tandem mass spectrometric detection and its application to chiral amino acid analysis. J Pharm Biomed
      Anal. 2015 Dec 10;116:71-9. doi: 10.1016/j.jpba.2015.05.039.
    5. Oyama T, Nagai R, Fujimoto M, Konishi R, Mita M, Uezono K, Zaitsu K, Hamase K. Development of a Fully-automated On-line Oxidation Column-switching HPLC System for the Determination of Endogenous Melatonin in Human Clinical Samples. Anal Sci. 2015;31(11):1129-35. doi: 10.2116/analsci.31.1129.
    6. Karakawa S, Shimbo K, Yamada N, Mizukoshi T, Miyano H, Mita M, Lindner W, Hamase K. Simultaneous analysis of D-alanine, D-aspartic acid, and D-serine using chiral high-performance liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry and its application to the rat plasma and tissues. J Pharm Biomed Anal. 2015 Nov 10;115:123-9. doi: 10.1016/j.jpba.2015.05.024.
    7. Ishigo S, Negishi E, Miyoshi Y, Onigahara H, Mita M, Miyamoto T, Masaki H, Homma H, Ueda T, Hamase K. Establishment of a Two-Dimensional HPLC-MS/MS Method Combined with DCl/D2O Hydrolysis for the Determination of Trace Amounts of D-Amino Acid Residues in Proteins. Chromatography. 2015 May 18;36(2):45-50. doi: 10.15583/jpchrom.2015.017
  • 2014

    1. Miyoshi Y, Nagano M, Ishigo S, Ito Y, Hashiguchi K, Hishida N, Mita M, Lindner W, Hamase K. Chiral amino acid analysis of Japanese traditional Kurozu and the developmental changes during earthenware jar fermentation processes. J Chromatogr B Analyt Technol Biomed Life Sci. 2014 Sep 1;966:187-92. doi: 10.1016/j.jchromb.2014.01.034.
    2. Hamase K, Nakauchi Y, Miyoshi Y, Koga R, Kusano N, Onigahara H, Naraoka H, Mita H, Kadota Y, Nishio Y, Mita M, Lindner W. Enantioselective Determination of Extraterrestrial Amino Acids Using a Two-Dimensional Chiral High-Performance Liquid Chromatographic System. Chromatography. 2014 Aug 10;35(2):103-110. doi: 10.15583/jpchrom.2014.014.
    3. Y. Miyoshi, T. Oyama, Y. Itoh and K. Hamase, Enantioselective Two-Dimensional High-Performance Liquid Chromatographic Determination of Amino Acids; Analysis and Physiological Significance of D-Amino Acids in Mammals, Chromatography, 35, 49-57 (2014). DOI: 10.15583/jpchrom.2014.005
    4. Sasabe J, Suzuki M, Miyoshi Y, Tojo Y, Okamura C, Ito S, Konno R, Mita M, Hamase K, Aiso
      S. Ischemic acute kidney injury perturbs homeostasis of serine enantiomers in the body fluid in mice: early detection of renal dysfunction using the ratio of serine enantiomers. PLoS One. 2014 Jan 29;9(1):e86504. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0086504.
    5. R. Inoue, Y. Yoshihisa, Y. Tojo, C. Okamura, Y. Yoshida, J. Kishimoto, X. Luan, M. Watanabe, M. Mizuguchi, Y. Nabeshima, K. Hamase, K. Matsunaga, T. Shimizu and H. Mori, Localization of Serine Racemase and Its Role in the Skin, Journal of Investigative Dermatology, 134, 1618-1626 (2014). DOI: 10.1038/jid.2014.22
    6. 生物工学会誌 第92 巻 第12 号 652–668.2014 最先端解析技術が拓く次世代のアミノ酸研究 福﨑英一郎1・三田 真史2
  • 2013

    1. Karakawa S, Miyoshi Y, Konno R, Koyanagi S, Mita M, Ohdo S, Hamase K. Two-dimensional high-performance liquid chromatographic determination of day-night variation of D-alanine in mammals and factors controlling the circadian changes. Anal Bioanal Chem. 2013 Oct;405(25):8083-91. doi: 10.1007/s00216-013-7071-2.
  • 2012

    1. 三次百合香,東條洋介,韓海,三田真史,浜瀬健司,哺乳類におけるキラルアミノ酸メタボロミクスを可能とする二次元ミクロHPLC一斉分析法の開発,分析化学,61, 489-499 (2012). DOI: 10.2116/bunsekikagaku.61.489
    2. Sasabe J, Miyoshi Y, Suzuki M, Mita M, Konno R, Matsuoka M, Hamase K, Aiso S. D-amino acid oxidase controls motoneuron degeneration through D-serine. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2012 Jan 10;109(2):627-32. doi: 10.1073/pnas.1114639109.
    3. Koga R, Miyoshi Y, Negishi E, Kaneko T, Mita M, Lindner W, Hamase K. Enantioselective two-dimensional high-performance liquid chromatographic determination of N-methyl-D-aspartic acid and its analogues in mammals and bivalves. J Chromatogr A. 2012 Dec 21;1269:255-61. doi: 10.1016/j.chroma.2012.08.075.
    4. Miyoshi Y, Konno R, Sasabe J, Ueno K, Tojo Y, Mita M, Aiso S, Hamase K. Alteration of intrinsic amounts of D-serine in the mice lacking serine racemase and D-amino acid oxidase. Amino Acids. 2012 Nov;43(5):1919-31. doi: 10.1007/s00726-012-1398-4.
    5. Suzuki M, Sasabe J, Furuya S, Mita M, Hamase K, Aiso S. Type 1 diabetes mellitus in mice increases hippocampal D-serine in the acute phase after streptozotocin injection. Brain Res. 2012 Jul 23;1466:167-76. doi: 10.1016/j.brainres.2012.05.042.
    6. H. Naraoka, H. Mita, K. Hamase, M. Mita, H. Yabuta, K. Saito, K. Fukushima, F. Kitajima, S. A. Sandford, T. Nakamura, T. Noguchi, R. Okazaki, K. Nagao, M. Ebihara, H. Yurimoto, A. Tsuchiyama, M. Abe, K. Shirai, M. Ueno, T. Yada, Y. Ishibashi, T. Okada, A. Fujimura,
      T. Mukai, M. Yoshikawa and J. Kawaguchi, Preliminary organic compound analysis of microparticles returned from Asteroid 25143 Itokawa by the Hayabusa mission, Geochemical Journal, 46, 61-72 (2012). DOI: 10.2343/geochemj.1.0134
  • 2011

    1. W. Kakegawa Y. Miyoshi, K. Hamase, S. Matsuda, K. Matsuda, K. Kohda, K. Emi, J. Motohashi, R. Konno, K. Zaitsu and M. Yuzaki, D-Serine regulates cerebellar LTD and motor coordination through the δ2 glutamate receptor, Nature Neuroscience, 14, 603-611 (2011). DOI: 10.1038/nn.2791
    2. Y. Miyoshi, K. Hamase, T. Okamura, R. Konno, N. Kasai, Y. Tojo and K. Zaitsu, Simultaneous two-dimensional HPLC determination of free D-serine and D-alanine in the brain and periphery of mutant rats lacking D-amino-acid oxidase, Journal of Chromatography B, 879, 3184-3189 (2011). DOI: 10.1016/j.jchromb.2010.08.024
    3. Han H, Miyoshi Y, Ueno K, Okamura C, Tojo Y, Mita M, Lindner W, Zaitsu K, Hamase K. Simultaneous determination of D-aspartic acid and D-glutamic acid in rat tissues and physiological fluids using a multi-loop two-dimensional HPLC procedure. J Chromatogr B Analyt Technol Biomed Life Sci. 2011 Nov 1;879(29):3196-202. doi: 10.1016/j.jchromb.2011.01.023. Epub 2011 Feb 2.
    4. Han H, Miyoshi Y, Oyama T, Konishi R, Mita M, Hamase K. Enantioselective micro-2D-HPLC determination of aspartic acid in the pineal glands of rodents with various melatonin contents. J Sep Sci. 2011 Oct;34(20):2847-53. doi: 10.1002/jssc.201100609.
  • 2010

    1. Hamase K, Miyoshi Y, Ueno K, Han H, Hirano J, Morikawa A, Mita M, Kaneko T, Lindner W, Zaitsu K. Simultaneous determination of hydrophilic amino acid enantiomers in mammalian tissues and physiological fluids applying a fully automated micro-two-
      dimensional high-performance liquid chromatographic concept. J Chromatogr A. 2010 Feb 12;1217(7):1056-62. doi: 10.1016/j.chroma.2009.09.002.
  • 2009

    1. Miyoshi Y, Hamase K, Tojo Y, Mita M, Konno R, Zaitsu K. Determination of D-serine and D-alanine in the tissues and physiological fluids of mice with various D-amino-acid oxidase activities using two-dimensional high-performance liquid chromatography with fluorescence detection. J Chromatogr B Analyt Technol Biomed Life Sci. 2009 Aug 15;877(24):2506-12. doi: 10.1016/j.jchromb.2009.06.028. Epub 2009 Jun 23.
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    3. Alterations of intrinsic amounts of proline and hydroxyproline enantiomers in mammalian skin with aging
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    4. Reduced carryover using an LC autosampler system
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    5. S. Etoh, K. Hamase, A. Morikawa, T. Ohgusu and K. Zaitsu, Enantioselective visualization of D-alanine in rat anterior pituitary gland: localization to ACTH-secreting cells, Anal Bioanal Chem, 393, 217-223 (2009). DOI: 10.1007/s00216-008-2401-5
    6. Y. Tojo, K. Hamase, R. Konno, S. Koyanagi, S. Ohdo and K. Zaitsu, Simple and rapid genotyping of D-amino acid oxidase gene recognizing a crucial variant in the ddY strain using microchip electrophoresis, Journal of Separation Science, 32, 430-436 (2009). DOI: 10.1002/jssc.200800587
  • 2008

    1. Amino Acids: Chemistry, Biology and Medicine Amino Acids: Chemistry, Biology and Medicine 1164, 1990
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    2. Tojo Y, Hamase K, Nakata M, Morikawa A, Mita M, Ashida Y, Lindner W, Zaitsu K. Automated and simultaneous two-dimensional micro-high-performance liquid chromatographic determination of proline and hydroxyproline enantiomers in mammals. J Chromatogr B Analyt Technol Biomed Life Sci. 2008 Nov 1;875(1):174-9. doi: 10.1016/j.jchromb.2008.06.025.
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    4. Hirayama A, Kubo H, Mita M, Shirota O, Yamamoto Y. High-sensitivity simultaneous analysis of ubiquinol-10 and ubiquinone-10 in human plasma. J Chromatogr Sci. 2008 Sep;46(8):717-21.
    5. A. Morikawa, K. Hamase, Y. Miyoshi, S. Koyanagi, S. Ohdo and K. Zaitsu, Circadian changes of D-alanine and related compounds in rats and the effect of restricted feeding on their amounts, Journal of Chromatography B, 875, 168-173 (2008). DOI: 10.1016/j.jchromb.2008.04.004
  • 2007

    1. A. Morikawa, K. Hamase, T. Ohgusu, S. Etoh, H. Tanaka, I. Koshiishi, Y. Shoyama and K. Zaitsu, Immunohistochemical localization of D-alanine to β-cells in rat pancreas, Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications, 355, 872-876 (2007). DOI: 10.1016/j.bbrc.2007.02.056
    2. Ultra-sensitive determination of multiple D-amino acids in mammals using two-dimensional micro-HPLC with fluorescence detection
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      AMINO ACIDS 33 (3), V-VI 2007
  • 2004

    1. Autosampler of ultimately reduced carryover for HPLC equipped with an ultrasonic cleaning device; ultrasonic cleaning is a rapid way to eliminate carryover peaks in HPLC based …
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    2. Reduced carryover using an HPLC sample injection system with ultrasonic cleaning
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  • 2003

    1. Attomole determination of melatonin using a semi-microcolumn HPLC system
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    2. Biological-Attomole Determination of Melatonin Using a Semi-Microcolumn HPLC System
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  • 2024

    1. Sakai S, Tanaka Y, Tsukamoto Y, Kimura-Ohba S, Hesaka A, Hamase K, Hsieh CL, Kawakami E, Ono H, Yokote K, Yoshino M, Okuzaki D, Matsumura H, Fukushima A, Mita M, Nakane M, Doi M, Isaka Y, Kimura T. D-Alanine Affects the Circadian Clock to Regulate Glucose Metabolism in Kidney. Kidney360. 2024 Feb;5(2):237-251.
    2. Tsai HM, Hsieh CL, Ishii C, Akita T, Mita M, Ide T, Lee JA, Hamase K. Enantioselective Analysis of Lactate, Hydroxybutyrates and Malate in Human Physiological Fluids Using a Three-Dimensional HPLC System. Chromatography. 2023;44(3):105-113. https://doi.org/10.15583/jpchrom.2023.015
    3. Umeda S, Sujino T, Miyamoto K, Yoshimatsu Y, Harada Y, Nishiyama K, Aoto Y, Adachi K, Hayashi N, Amafuji K, Moritoki N, Shibata S, Sasaki N, Mita M, Tanemoto S, Ono K, Mikami Y, Sasabe J, Takabayashi K, Hosoe N, Suzuki T, Sato T, Atarashi K, Teratani T, Ogata H, Nakamoto N, Shiomi D, Ashida H, Kanai T. D-amino Acids Ameliorate Experimental Colitis and Cholangitis by Inhibiting Growth of Proteobacteria: Potential Therapeutic Role in Inflammatory Bowel Disease. Cellular and Molecular Gastroenterology and Hepatology. 2023;16(6):1011-1031.
    4. Kimura T, Sakai S, Isaka Y. D-Serine as a sensor and effector of the kidney, Clinical and Experimental Nephrology. 2023 Nov;27(11):891-900.
    5. Oshima M, Toyama T, Nakade Y, Yomogida D, Yuasa T, Horikoshi K, Minami T, Ogura H, Nakagawa S, Miyagawa T, Kitajima S, Hara A, Sakai N, Shimizu M, Mita M, Kinoshita M, Nakada M, Kikuchi M, Iwata Y, Wada T. Association Between Risperidone Use and Kidney
      Function Decline in Patients with Schizophrenia: A Retrospective Cohort Study. Clinical Therapeutics. 2023 Sep;45(9):889-893.
    6. 木村友則・塚本悠介, 昆虫における変態とD-セリン, 昆虫と自然, 2023年7月号(Vol.58 No.8)
    7. Nagata Y, Akita T, Ishii C, Oyaide M, Mita M, Ide T, Hamase K. Development of an enantioselective three-dimensional HPLC system for the determination of alanine, valine, isoleucine, allo-isoleucine and leucine in human plasma and urine. Journal of Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Analysis Open. 2023 Dec;2:100013.
    8. Nagata Y, Akita T, Furusho A, Ishii C, Mita M, Hamase K. Design of Novel Mixed-Mode Columns for Analysis of Amino Acids Derivatized with 4-Fluoro-7-nitro-2,1,3-benzoxadiazole and the Evaluation of Retention Properties. Chromatography. 2023 June;44(2):83-87.
    9. Taniguchi A, Kawamura M, Sakai S, Kimura-Ohba S, Tanaka Y, Fukae S, Tanaka R, Nakazawa S, Yamanaka K, Horio M, Takahara S, Nonomura N, Isaka Y, Imamura R, Kimura T. d-Asparagine is an ideal endogenous molecule for measuring the glomerular filtration rate. Kidney Int Rep. 2023 Mar 21;8(6):1192-1200.
    10. Gonda Y, Matsuda A, Adachi K, Ishii C, Suzuki M, Osaki A, Mita M, Nishizaki N, Ohtomo Y, Shimizu T, Yasui M, Hamase K, Sasabe J. Mammals sustain amino acid homochirality against chiral conversion by symbiotic microbes. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2023 Apr 11;120(15):e2300817120.
    11. Kimura-Ohba S, Takabatake Y, Takahashi A, Tanaka Y, Sakai S, Isaka Y, Kimura T. Blood levels of d-amino acids reflect the clinical course of COVID-19. Biochemistry and Biophysics Reports. 2023 July ;34: 101452.
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